Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My husband and our child....

This weekend was a very enjoyable weekend. Since Daniel and I couldn't really take a honeymoon we were sent by my parents, to The Pointe on Saturday night. We spent time relaxing and took a little trip down to Target and were able to get Landon's crib! That was exciting because we had gone to a different Target less than a week before and they were all sold out!
Anyways, we were able to relax and even see Daniel's best friend and his wife for a short time because they dropped by to visit. Sunday afternoon I was a little bummed because I had been spoiled! I was able to be with my husband all weekend with little to no interuptions and now I was having to leave and babysit overnight which would mean I wouldn't see Daniel again until Monday late afternoon after he got home from work.
Last night Daniel and I did something kind of fun. We went online and did one of those baby things where a website takes your pictures and meshes them together to try to show you what you're child might look like. Maybe the first time is the charm...because the sites were making our child look worse and worse. The first time we meshed the pictures our child was such a cutie! Landon wasn't a baby though...they had made him into a 6 or 7 year old. He had dark brown hair that was kind of wavy, our noses meshed so it wasnt my nose or Daniel's nose and he had such a cute smile with lips that were probably more like mine. He had Daniel's round head...and Daniel was like...wow...look at him...that's like a model right there. I really wanted Daniel to save the picture to the computer but we lost the picture when something else was clicked. Like I said though, we were like...lets do that again we kept meshing pictures ...and meshing different pictures and they were starting to turn out...let's just say...not so great! We even turned out with a little red headed boy! Daniel was like.............where is this red hair coming from?!
Anyways, that was fun and I have been thinking lately how much better it is now that we are married. It's one thing to be boyfriend/girlfriend...but it is so different when you are married and you start to adjust as a couple. I will admit that marriage is overwhelming at first but then once you figure out how the days need to go it gets better and is enjoyable. Marriage provides a certain security that being a girlfriend or even fiance doesn't really provide. I am blessed and love my husband very much! .....
...As for little Landon, we are so excited for him and can't wait for him to join our little family. So many others already can't wait for him to get here as well! I guess he's going to be a popular little boy!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Mommy day!

So yesterday I watched my youngest nephew Luke! He is such a doll and it helped me have a little mommy practice for when Landon arrives. My sister warned me that she had bought some new diapers and was trying them out and noticed that they weren't as good and needed to be changed about every two hours. So shortly after I got Luke I changed him. I made him apple juice and made sure he always had something to drink if he needed it. He must drink more liquids than me!!!! Guzzle, guzzle, guzzle....what a thirsty little boy! We took a long walk (or maybe I said I walked pushing his stroller) and went over to the park. He just loved me pushing him in the baby swing and would laugh and laugh. It was so cute! I got myself and him up the play toy stairs and we went down the winding slide...then after a while we went home. After about 2 hours I knew I needed to change his diaper...plus he had been drinking a lot of juice...I was like "I need to change your diapy" but we decided to go outside on the swing in the backyard together first. That was a mistake! His diaper leaked through on my lap and so we immediately went in the house and got it changed! I clipped his dirty long nails for him and he loved the gummy bears he got for letting me clip them... He was such a good boy!

After I got home from watching Luke at my parents house I waited for Daniel to get home. I had just gone to the store and bought a few things and we were going to have salad and pizza for dinner. Daniel and I sat down and had some carrots and chips with dip. I didn't have a ton of chips with dip...but I felt later that it was a dumb thing to have done because by the time we were eating dinner the food did not look good or appetizing. I didnt want to eat with how I felt. I probably ate a couple bites of my salad and then one bite of pizza which, I think, was a little disappointing to Daniel.

I earlier had learned that my cousin Jake and his wife Jenn were in the process of labor. Their baby's sex was going to be a surprise and no one knew what it was, so as I was getting ready for bed I prayed that they would have a little boy so Landon could be good friends with him.
This morning after I woke up I checked my email and learned that late last night they had their baby and it was a boy!!! That was so exciting...I am so glad that Landon will be able to know and have a 2nd cousin that is only about 5 months older than him! What a blessing!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

To my sweet baby boy!

Every day you grow and make sure mommy knows you are doing well with all of your little movements. I love when you kick your little feet and hit me with your little hands..especially the strong hits! You are so precious to me and so many people are getting ready to love you and hold you in their arms, but we understand that you are still growing so keep growing strong and soon you can come out and see mommy and daddy!
You have made daddy so happy! He knows now that he will have a little boy that he can take to baseball games and teach how to do boy stuff like playing catch or having you watch him fix things! Mommy can't wait to do your hair and give you tons and tons of kisses! You are so precious to both of us and though you probably can't tell, your daddy gives you kisses!
We love you Landon and may God's hand be on you now as you grow into a stronger baby and for the rest of your life as you grow from a little boy into a handsome young man!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Our beautiful wedding!

My dad, Daniel, and then David being cool in the front
Right before we walked in
Drew wanted to be the ring bearer and hold my train!
yay!!!...I can drink my much needed water!
I just love my cute husband!

So since we didnt have a really nice wedding the first time with our family and friends we had a beautiful wedding that my mom put together on Oct. 18th! I couldn't ask for more! It was so pretty and it was such a special day for me. I had some of my wonderful cousins there that had flown in all the way from Missouri and some of my family from California...and Daniel had cousins from New Mexico. We were so appreciative to have our family and friends there to support us. Daniel's dad was our photographer which was so nice because he is an amazing photographer and it was such a self-less act to do that for us. I know he would've been able to enjoy the wedding so much more if he didn't have to take our pictures.

The whole family had a role in the wedding some way or another. Joy was my matron of honor and Becca was a bridesmaid, David read 1 Corinthians 13, Melody and my mom sang, my Dad was our pastor to marry us, Daniel's dad took the pictures, and Daniel's mom went up for the lighting of the candles with my mom at the beginning of the ceremony. Having our family as a part of our wedding made it even more special for us!

Friday, October 17, 2008


Say hi, Landon!!!

We found out today...and surprised a few people. Landon Daniel is in my tummy and we will no longer have to call him an "it"! The doctor told me that the baby looks perfect. Everything looks normal...and he has some good looking legs if mommy can say so herself! He is definetly a boy there's no doubt about it! Daniel was like a kid at Christmas time when he found out. We are so excited...here are some pictures.

1 more day....so many things to do!

So....tomorrow is the wedding and there are sooooooooo many things to do! Today my mom is working on the flowers for our wedding, which will be a whole day's event! My mom does a really good job on being a florist for different weddings, but considering this is her baby's wedding it will be extremely nice! I know that there are other things to do for the wedding, so while she is working on the flowers I will probably be helping her with other things.
Thankfully, Daniel and I are done working on the house for now...because we...(especially him) have too many other things to think about/do!
As for an update with our cute little baby McDarby....our child continues to kick me a lot! Recently, I've been getting more headaches and when I eat my stomach starts to hurt. Yesterday I went to my monthly ob visit and they took a blood sample just to test for down syndrome. I doubt that the baby has it, but I thought they could run the test anyways...so we can just test everything and make sure baby McDarby is fine. The doctor was able to quickly find a strong heartbeat on our baby, so that's also exciting. We were too busy talking to each other that I didnt get the baby's heartrate number yesterday. So, things look good, but please continue to pray for the baby. I appreciate it so so much!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Busy...busy ...busy!

With the wedding only being about 3 days away we have done a lot of work...yet there is plenty to still do! Not exactly the best thing for me to think about right now because I may have over done it tonight. I did some things around the house today and then tonight after Daniel got home from work we worked some more on the yard. I have to put in a little side note that Daniel did most of it...but I couldn't help but recall back to my childhood.
As I helped him work outside my clothes were filthy! I was like...wow...this is like when I was living in California when I was little! As we kept working I also obtained another thing back from my childhood..............my horrible allergies! Man, I hated my allergies when I was little and remember going outside one morning, when I was about 4, to find my mom to say: MOMMY! MOMMY! They're GONE!!! I don't have to rub my eyes out anymore!
Well, if I get around enough dust, then I will start sneezing...but tonight was just awful for me. I had to have sneezed about 40 times! I kept coming inside and blowing my nose and it was just miserable. Now, I dont feel that great and I feel that I am going to need to recover from this. Hopefully I will feel better tomorrow because there are still things to be done for the wedding and want to feel good for everyone and the wedding. Please pray for me and that this will pass quickly!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Stronger baby and bigger kicks

Last night Daniel and I were working on making the house nicer because the wedding is quickly approaching and want our guests to be welcomed into a nice clean home. I stayed up late working mostly on the kitchen and Daniel worked on our wedding programs. Around 11:30 I decided that I needed to stop and get to bed. Daniel was still in his office area and I laid down in bed and had the tv on, but I could've cared less what was on tv when all of a sudden I felt our baby's little foot kick me right in the pelvic region. It's kind of interesting when you are pregnant, because you are used to feeling things hit you from the outside of your body, but now you feel this small living life hit you from the inside. It doesn't hurt and quite frankly I think it is really cool. It definetly makes my pregnancy more real. Anyways, I felt this strong kick and so I decided to put my hand right in the area where I was feeling the foot just in case it kicked me again. Usually it just will kick once or twice and stop...so I wasn't sure if it would kick me in the hand but I waited to see. The seconds passed and sure enough, BAM....it kicked me in the hand ....and then again! I was like OH MY GOSH!!!! I was just so excited so I started yelling for Daniel to come in the room. He quickly came in and put his head on my belly and all of a sudden the baby either kicked or hit at him. Im not sure what the baby did because that hit came from a different area than the kick. Daniel was like did it just kick me?....because I just heard a vibration come from your belly!
Anyways, I will have to keep you posted on what else happens but last night is a night that I don't think I will ever forget. When you're baby gets stronger and the kicks start getting harder it hits you....(literally) this is for real.....This is our little baby! Im excited to be his or her mommy and I know Daniel will be a great Daddy!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Baby on the Move...

Yesterday was baby day for me! I haven't felt the baby move a whole lot during pregnancy because we haven't quite hit the mark for me to be able to feel the movements more. Well, I am about 17 weeks now so I should start feeling a lot more.
I am kind of guessing that one of the first times that I felt a movement that it may have been a false alarm because Daniel and I now have a better idea of where our baby is at. Yesterday morning I woke up and ran my hand down my entire stomach. Right when I got to where my belly button was, this bulge started. I was like....oh my gosh!!....that's the baby! It was just a little pouch unlike the rest of my stomach. I gently pressed down on it and could feel that the pouch was just a little bit more solid! I was like Daniel.....look ...look! That's the baby! He came over and was able to touch my belly and see what I was seeing. He left for work a little bit after that and I went into the kitchen and fixed myself a two pop-tart breakfast with a healthy glass of milk. :) I ate my pop tarts and then shortly after I felt these little movements...which I am guessing were kicks! The baby must have been excited to get to eat those yummy pop-tarts because it was the most movement I have ever felt the baby make!
So, the reason I say that I think one of the first times I felt something was probably a false alarm was because now I know where the baby is and a couple of weeks ago when I felt a movement like there was a worm crawling across my belly, the movement was too high for it to be the baby! That's ok though...because it was exciting to think it was our precious child at the time. Now I can feel the baby (I call it a him) for real!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Blessings in the midst

A couple of weeks ago my work had to cut back because of the economy and work. I unfortunetly had to take the brunt of it, probably because I am pregnant. They cut me back to part time and I was only to get about 16 hours a week. I talked to one of my co workers one Sunday night and I told her what happened and that I really want to be utilizing this time to make money because once the baby comes I'm going to be home all of the time and money, on my end, will not be coming in. So, the next day and basically that whole week she made sure to let me help out in the dept. she worked in because they are the only dept. that is really busy and they could actually use the help. I ended up putting in more than 16 hours for that week, so I was happy that not only was I helping but I was helping my family out.
They needed me again this past Monday so I came in and did the same thing as the week before...but when Tuesday came along!......my supervisor took me out of the office and cut me back completely! I have NO hours now! Basically Im on an on-call status and am only supposed to work when they call me. That hurt...because I've never been fired before and its almost like I was that day...I was just supposed to pick up my purse at that minute and get out of the office! Wow! ....My work agreed to keep paying my insurance because that is one of the most important things with the baby coming, in which I need to make sure I have! But I want to be able to be making at least some money...so it was kind of like...ok so Im stuck?
I left work and called Daniel immediately, I was crying and told him that if he could he needed to check to see if I got on his insurance policy (because if I was I wouldnt have to stay on with the company with their on-call status and be able to try to get another job). Daniel calmed me down and told me...wow that's crazy that this happened because just today the guy that has been dealing with the insurance thing, at my work, came to me and told me that you're on my policy! That was a huge relief because most insurances wont take you on after you are already pregnant...but his did!...and just when I needed it!
I am blessed! I have a great husband that loves and cares about me and have the security in knowing he wouldn't leave me for another woman! All of the times we've been together he's always been faithful to me and that is an awesome thing to have in a husband. For a man to be that way automatically makes him a good father because he is what our child will be looking up to. I will be too for that matter but, I could be wrong, but I think the father makes more of an impact in their actions than the mother.
Through it all, I am a blessed wife and mother! With or without a job I will continue to be blessed and God will take care of our little family.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The baby is getting bigger!

Our precious little child is now about 4 1/2 to 5 inches! In a way I cannot wait to hold our baby in my arms but then in another way, I know, we have a lot more baby stuff to buy before the baby gets here and the baby needs to grow and develop more before it can meet us.
Sometimes I feel little twitches and movements and I can only hope that its the baby moving, but Im not for sure because I know that it could just be my body. But I want to believe that it is the baby!
One night I was sitting on the couch, we had had visitors over that night and Daniel was walking out our last visitor when I felt this really interesting movement. It felt like a little squirming worm going across about 2 inches of my body. Sometimes Daniel listens for the baby and tells me he hears all sorts of sounds. I guess that's the father's part of joy that you can't really be a part of, but then again, since I'm carrying around the baby, my part of the joy is getting to feel little movements, that right now, no one can feel but me.
According to a book I have, the baby now has eyelashes and eyebrows and can move it's eyes from side to side...even though it's eyes are sealed closed. I found on a website that the baby is getting its fingerprints and toe prints this week! That is just incredible. Just like the Bible says: You knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made!
An old friend talked to be about that a long time ago when she was talking to me about our lives... if you look at the word wonderfully in that verse and just think about it, it is saying you are full of wonder! Isn't that amazing. It's so true! God has made all of us full of wonder...especially the first stage of our lives as we are growing and developing inside the womb. I know technology has come a long way since I've been a baby...and research too for that matter and it's just incredible how much you can see and what you can find out from week to week about the baby growing inside of you! Its amazing...and its just one of the many amazing things that God created in order for us to just look, feel, and know...and say WOW!