Thursday, October 29, 2009

Uh Oh!!!

Before we dropped Landon's mattress down to a safe standing ^^^^^

After Landon's crib was made safe ^^^^^^^ What a funny boy!!!

In the passed few days Landon has improved with his crawling, sleeping, and pulling himself up to stand holding on to things! Can a child really mentally and developmentally grow so quickly?! Wow! I guess so. Daniel had to lower Landon's crib yesterday because as you can see it would have been a hazard if he would have leaned over the edge of his crib while we are out of his room.
Last night Landon slept from 9:15- 5am! I am so glad that his sleep training seems to have worked!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Our first pumpkin

This is Daniel and my first pumpkin. I met Daniel in 2004 and we have never carved a pumpkin together! Crazy huh? Well I wanted to make this a new tradition now that we have Landon! Daniel had a great idea to carve a Yankee's pumpkin. It turned out awesome and it was pretty fun for Landon. He wanted to eat it. Lucky for me, since he is a baby I just let him wear his diaper and he was very easy to clean up.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A message from Landon...

c ghh nytfnbrttyynrt rg etxxxxxxxygvc d rt

What a great typest isnt he? Let me translate what he typed: Mommy: I loved Dunkin Donuts this morning!
Yes, I have given Landon pancakes and donuts before, but donuts are his kryptonite. He love donuts and will tell you while you are eating yours that he wants more with his hmm mmm huh huh huh huh hmmm. It's constant until he gets more donut! What a funny boy he is

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Monday, October 12, 2009

My Yankee Men

These are my two favorite Yankee's! As we know the Yankee's are in the play offs and my husband is a die hard Yankee fan. So that means our Landy gets dressed in Yankee apparel.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

7 months old

Tonight I drove passed the hospital that I gave birth to Landon. I looked up and saw the room that I stayed in waiting to be able to take my baby home and hold him. It's easy to spot my room because I was on the corner of the hospital in one of the rooms that had a balcony. It was not an ideal room for someone that just gave birth to a baby but I think it was a room that they give to people that dont have their baby with them. For me that was the case because as soon as Landon came out I was able to hold him for a few minutes and then taken away to the NICU. I remember they wheeled me out of the labor and delivery room and as they were walking me to my room they played the little lullaby for me (to signal that I was someone that just gave birth to a baby). As I listened to the lullaby empty handed I felt like bursting into tears. My sweet baby was in the NICU and for the next couple of days I would be scared off and on by different people regarding Landon's heart.

Today Landon is a healthy, booming, energetic boy that no one would ever think had a problem in the beginning. I am so grateful today that God kept him safe and healed him. He is such a joy and so precious to my heart. Tonight as I passed the hospital I thought of how having him was one of the best times of my life.
So yesterday was actually Landon's 7 month birthday but of course in my busy schedule I am a bit late. The other day Landon tried his first lemon! He really loved it! He must really like sour because he didnt really make any pucker faces. He made one slight face but that was about it.
Also, he learned how to drink out of a straw and actually did that yesterday (exactly at 7 months). I never let him have a straw but he took it in his bath water and started sucking up the water. Before he started drinking a bunch of soapy water I gave him a cup with clean water and a new straw and he just loved drinking that water out of a straw like a big boy.

(My monkey baby ....holding his monkey baby ^)

He still is having some interesting nights. They arent bad nights but he would much rather sleep with his momma than in a bed by himself. He starts the night out in his crib and then he wakes up at different times during the night. Sometimes I get him back to sleep in his bed or sometimes I just take him out into the living room so we both can go back to sleep right away. He can pretty much sleep straight through once he gets his breast friend (he falls right back to sleep) but it is beginning to make me wonder what is going to happen in the middle of the night once he is 1 and I am no longer breast feeding him. I am just wishing that he could just sleep through the night as I keep seeing that tons of other parents babies do! I must be doing something wrong here. But then again one day these days will be over and my little baby will be a boy that doesnt want his momma anymore and I will cherish these nights that I was able to cuddle him.
Lately Landon's teething has gotten worse! I am not sure why because I can't see any new teeth coming. He bit me about 5 times today though and gets fussy sometimes when the teething get really bad. Poor guy! :(
With Landon turning 7 months a reality hits that I am 1 month late in getting him his shots. He was sick quite a bit the passed month so I had to wait until he got well. I called for his appointment today so next week I will be able to post about his weight and measurements. I will not be surprised if he is 21 lbs. now! He is getting really heavy especially when I try moving him in the middle of the night when I am practically half asleep.
Landon hasnt learned how to crawl but he is in training. I think it will be soon. Hope you enjoyed reading the Landon latest. :)