Monday, March 30, 2009

Challenge me

Lately Landon has been getting very upset with gas, VERY late at night. This can go on from 12 to 3 am or so. Last night it seems like it went on longer than normal and I was trying different things to try to get rid of his gas and make him content again...but his fussiness dragged on and on and on and it was almost like there was nothing else I could do.
Late at night he seems to drink too fast, he starts getting frantic cause I think he gets a lot of bubbles in his tummy so last night I went back and forth trying to feed him and then burp him. I'd try feeding him again to see if he would calm down and fall asleep... but he was still frantic and sucking in more bubbles so I tried burping him. I tried walking around with him and patting his back, I tried changing him. I was trying to read something today on why a baby might be fussy or crying and it was pretty surprising that it didnt say gas in their stomach. It said something like... If your baby carries on for about 3 hours for 3 or more times a week they have colic! This might be true for some babies but I refuse to believe Landon has colic. I can tell he is sucking down air bubbles with how frantic he gets when trying to eat late at night and sometimes calms down when I pat his back, not only for that reason but after he wakes up from his long night he "let's em rip"!
This has become my latest challenge because this is when I am tired and need sleep and its like there is nothing I can do for him. I try to help him but its like there is too much gas and I cant get it all out for him with just trying to burp him. My poor little badly do I want his gas to pass, but it's like it just stays.
I have come to the conclusion that he is a morning baby. He'll kind of wake up and start smiling tons. I love seeing him smile. He has such a big smile and it is just too cute. Sometimes when he is sleeping he starts to laugh. His laugh is the cutest laugh I have ever heard in my life... I just love it! I wonder what he is dreaming about that is so funny? He loves to be held and sang to and almost everytime we put him in his carseat and go somewhere he falls asleep. Must be the comfy snuzzler and the jiggles from the lovely Arizona roads.
Daniel and I love him so much and it is absolutely crazy to think that we have had him for almost 1 month now! God has truly blessed us with Landon. He is such a sweet baby!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Such a sweet boy!

Landon is getting so long already!!! He is my handsome little guy!
Im still looking tired...but not as bad as I did before. I love how he has his arm around me in this picture!
He wanted me to pick him up here....he wasn't the happiest in this picture.

I can't tell you how in love I am with my little Lander man! What a cute, sweet, precious little boy! Crazy to think that he is already 2 1/2 weeks old and I'm guessing over 10 lbs. by now. Daniel and I love him so much and I think the nights are gradually becoming a little bit easier than they were. He still wants to wake up when Im getting tired and am ready to go to sleep but it doesnt seem to take me as long to get him back to sleep like it was before. I realize I have to enjoy my precious moments with him now because before long they will be numbered and he wont want his mommy 24/7 anymore.
Daniel and I are still waiting for his umbilical cord to come off. It recently has become a little bit scary because last night it became loosened more, but I can tell it is still not ready. I can still see a slimy part of the cord underneath what has dried up. Before Landon was born that was one of those things that I was not looking forward to....the waiting time for the umbilical cord to fall off. It seems a little bit scary to me and I have been pretty careful not to fluster with it. Other than that, that seems to be the only thing that hasn't healed. His pokes from the hospital have healed and his bad bruise that was on his foot is gone but that umbilical cord just does not want to come off! So we continue to wait.
After I woke up this morning I had to set Landon down for a little while because I was so hungry. When I went to get off the couch to set him in his basket he decided he would pass a lot of gas. It was so cute and made me smile because when he did this he pushed and stuck his tongue out, just slightly, between his little lips. I had only enough time to hurry up and get something to eat before he woke up and wanted me back.
I recently also learned that I have lost about 30 lbs.! I am still not back to where I started or want to be, but I finally seem to be getting my body back and it is definetly a lot easier to get around the house...well, anywhere for that matter. Yesterday, I was able to go outside and pull weeds for the first time in a while. When I was pregnant the extra weight weighing down on me was so bad that if I pushed myself to pull weeds I not only wouldnt get as much as I wanted pulled but I would feel horrible for the rest of the day. It felt so good pulling those weeds up from the yard yesterday! I think I am starting to get my old self back...not completely yet...but it seems like I am gradually getting there.
Landon is worth every second. He is my little boy that I dreamed and waited for for so long. He is finally here!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Little night owl

First time on his tummy time mat.
Looks comfy!!!!
My two men at my mom's house! They are both just too good looking!
My night owl just wants to sleep during the day!!!
He loves his daddy!

Here's the scoop. Landon is a night owl...not so great for me, but I guess Im just living with this concept. I could not get him to sleep for hours but of course I get the computer out to blog right now and he decides he wants to go to sleep. If you are a mom you probably understand how it is to be up at all hours of the night trying different things to get your baby back to sleep after they wake up after a 1 1/2 hour nap. I guess one of the problems was he ate so much that is tummy was hurting, and now we seem to have gotten rid of that which is probably why now at 2:30 in the morning he is ready for sleep. Around 12 or so when I was trying to get him back to sleep (yes, it took a while for him to be ready for sleep again) he wanted to scoot around on me. He was doing it so much that it was like he was becoming frantic and starting to panic that he wasnt really getting anywhere with all of his scooting on me. I turned him over and had to have a talk with him -sweetheart... you are only two weeks old! you dont need to try so hard right now, you will crawl with time. Poor little guy! It was probably his tummy too that was making him upset though. Daniel and I tried to keep him up so that we wouldnt have such a hard time with him going to sleep tonight but I guess it only bought us a little bit of time because of his gas in his stomach.
Please pray that we can get him on a decent bedtime schedule soon. I get pretty tired at night trying to get him to sleep sometimes. It's mommy duty at night...I let Daniel "off duty" so he can get to bed...I know that there is just no point in keeping him up, as well, when I am the only one that can do the breastfeeding anyways. He is such a good Dad and husband. I love my two men very much..I just wish that the little guy wasnt so much of a night owl.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Our date night

Last night Daniel and I finally went out to see a movie. I say finally because we havent been to a movie theatre together, to see a movie in probably 2 years! We dropped Landon off at my mom and dad's house and were on our way. My sister Joy still hadn't met Landon yet because she had been sick with pneumonia, so since she is now better and had been in the area for testing for her career she dropped by to see Landon while we were out to see the movie. When Daniel and I had arrived after we had a quick dinner, we walked in and she was walking around holding Landon. Of course, Landon was in peaceful sleep and she was loving it. I guess while we were gone he had been making faces at her and she immediately fell in love with him. But who couldnt?!
After we left the tension between Daniel and I really broke the whole way home. When we got home, as I was holding Landon I broke down and started crying. I have had a lot weighing down on my mind lately and with the lack of's just not a good combination. Landon was sleeping near my neck and somehow my crying didnt even wake him up. Daniel came in and I told him what was wrong. I told him that I was sad that we had been fighting and that I didnt want Landon to be exposed to that. Yeah, he may have been sleeping but I just dont want him exposed to that, in any way. Daniel and I hardly ever had arguments when I was pregnant with Landon and I believe that that is one of the reasons why Landon is such a good baby. My loving husband wiped a tear away and understood where I was coming from. Like he always does, he comforted me and let me know that everything was going to be ok and that one of the reasons we both have been the way we have been is from our lack of sleep (I know it's me more than him with the irritability though). Daniel took over Landon and I was able to go take a nap. My naps seem to always help and Daniel is always ready to help me with whatever I need. He has been such a good daddy and husband to me in this process, even though I probably dont always make it the easiest.
God has given me a wonderful family and I am truly blessed. I am extremely blessed with how everything turned out. One year ago my life was completely different and God allowed for things to turn around and for Daniel and my heart to find each other again...I can't tell you how thankful I am for that. Now I hold Daniel's little "mini me" in my arms and am so lucky to be his mother. I always dreamed of having a little baby boy and here he is. I couldn't ask for a better baby. With everything else that happened leading up to this we find that the term "everything happens for a reason" to be very true. I am so grateful!

***More pictures to come...I have been slacking a little bit but I have some new ones that are pretty cute, I just have to get around to posting them up.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Everybody learns...

Just thought I would post a blog so that you all know that Im not a stupid mother! Everybody learns how to take care of their babies and not every baby is the same. After about 30 minutes to 1 hour of letting Landon cry in his crib last night I gave in and gave up the battle. He is NOT ready for his crib right now and just wants his mommy to sleep with. No I am not laying in bed with him and am not going to crush him...I am sleeping on the couch and holding him in such a way that I wake up when he moves. I prop him on his boppy so that he is getting air, but can also feel my torso against him. Last night Landon slept better than he ever has. He slept from about 2 am til around 10 am waking up for about 1 hour to be changed and get fed.
I love my son's smile, his laugh, and the peaceful way he sleeps. I can read him pretty well already, which is pretty good considering he is not even 2 weeks old. He doesnt cry when he needs to be changed so Daniel and I just have to listen and be mindful of predicting if he is dirty. Our sweet love is still healing from his surgery and his umbilical cord is still awaiting to fall off.
So if you are thinking I am a bad mother...I'm not. I am taking very good care of my baby. If I were not he would not be such a peaceful baby. Everybody learns how to take care of their baby differently.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Lately I have been seeing changes ...not only in the weather but also my body. I can tell that the weather is drastically changing because the whole house is getting hot and we are having to run the fans. Today I put Landon in his Moses basket and when I went to get him out he was sweaty. I have figured out that we shouldn't put so many clothes on him that we were a week ago. He is now having to wear short sleeved onesies and he seems to be sleeping really well. I would like to think this is because his temp is better regulated.
I can already see changes in my body. It is crazy because I havent seen myself like this for months! I figure I have my body back that I had in early September. My stomach has shrunk up so much already and my feet have gone back to normal. So, good news!!!... My body has gotten rid of my Shrek feet! Daniel made the two of us lunch today and asked me how many slices of bread I wanted to go with it. I told him "just one". He was like that's it?! I had to tell him yes, and remind him that I am no longer pregnant and dont need to eat as much. I have realized how easy it is to get off of the couch without an extra 50 lbs weighing down on me and that it is a lot more comfortable to walk through the store when I go buy the stuff we need.
Now, I thought that once the baby was born my passing out spells would go away, but for some reason that seems to have stayed. I didnt pass out tonight but as I was changing Landon's diaper something just hit me. I had to have Daniel take over and get out of the room, wash my hands and get down to the floor fairly quickly. When stuff like this happens I have to sit my butt on the floor until I start pulling out of the spell. I think it might have something to do with my body getting hot, but the other factor is probably me needing to drink water. I guess this may be something that I might have to deal with for the rest of my life, but now I know that it wasnt just the baby weighing down on me...its just my body. Months before I was pregnant my body would kind of go through something like this I guess I shouldn't have tried to link it to me being pregnant.
Im sure I will notice more changes as the months go on. In the mean time my love for this little baby grows stronger every day. I dont know what I would ever do without my two men. They mean so much to me.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Sleepy boy!

Landon has been sleeping quite a bit since his surgery yesterday. I would rather have it that way though since I know that recovery from surgery is probably taken a little better by just sleeping it away. Daniel took over last night for a couple of hours so that I could take a nap and actually sleep in our bed. I had forgotten how good it felt to not only be able to sleep on my stomach again but sleep in an actual bed with soft sheets. I guess for the couple of hours that he had taken over Landon would not go to sleep. Daniel fed him a bottle or two but still...he would not sleep. He has started trying to take milk from Daniel. I dont think he realizes yet that Daniel is a dry well. Daniel- Beware of not wearing a shirt when holding him! But then again, Landon has even tried getting Daniel when he has been wearing a shirt.
I love our little Landon so much and can not imagine my life without him. I love Daniel and him with all of my heart.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Mommy, Daddy, and Me!

Daniel multi-tasking (playing x-box and holding Landon). As you can see, Landon has become our little Anne Geddes baby. He loves sleeping curled up like this.
Sweet boy sleeping away the stress of surgery on St. Patricks day. (He did that himself with his hands)

Landon holding on tight to his Momma. One of these days I wont look so washed out and tired...hopefully.
My little lovey dove!

Happy St. Patrick's Day! This is our little Mc Cutie! We love him more and more every day. Today he had surgery :( and luckily I only cried a little bit in the Doctors office. I am getting more sleep than before but with the amount I am getting I am still a little irritable. My mom has been helping us with Landon everyday so that I can try to take a nap... and sometimes Daniel is able to take a little nap during that time too. I still am sleeping on the couch with Landon because I just feel it will be easier that way rather than sleeping in bed with him. Soon I may have to try to put him in his crib, but for now he is awake every few hours and it would be pointless to put him in his crib and for me to go back and forth. I may have created a bad habit but I was thinking about it and I only have this precious time for a little bit and even though I have never had a baby before I truly believe what people say when they tell me that they grow up way too fast. Plus the first few days of his life he was in the NICU and I didnt have him with me constantly. So, now I spend almost my whole day holding my sweet little boy, starring at him and loving him. We are so blessed to have him in our lives. We both love him more than we could tell you.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

My special man looking up at me right after I gave birth.
I could not ask for more. I absolutely love my family and my life.

As you can see, my sleep has been going to my son. He sleeps a ton!
1 week old. A major cuddler, cutie, and Daniel and my pride and joy!

Wow, what a week! It was definitely a busy one whether it be for me going back and forth from my hospital room to his NICU room, back and forth from our house to his NICU room, or just sleeping a few hours each night because my little man is a hunky chunky and wants to eat everytime he wakes up. Either way I wouldn't trade my life for anything. Our baby is extremely precious to us! I can not get enough of him and will just sit and stare at him while he sleeps. Daniel is very good with him. His feedings have been cut down because Landon nurses almost every time he eats. I have realized that I will possibly need to pump more because Landon has hurt me so much that sometimes I just need a break.
I learned one of my biggest lessons yesterday... never while I am breastfeeding do I want to touch a Dr. Pepper again. I have cut down on my soda intake since I have had him, but yesterday I really wanted one to go with my lunch. I wish I had never done it child was up pretty much all day yesterday. It was like Landon did not know what to do. The caffeine was keeping him awake and not letting him sleep for very long, so he would wake up and want to eat...not knowing what else to do. Well in the process I think he may have had gas in his tummy too and so he probably wasn't feeling the greatest with all of that. I kept appologizing to him. 'Im sorry Landon, this is mommy's fault not yours'. Now I know better.
Im still not getting very much sleep but I am hoping that will change soon. I am hoping he will be like Gracie (his cousin), in that she started sleeping through the night fairly quick. I also realize that it will probably be somewhat hard for me to start putting him in his crib to sleep. Right now we are using a moses basket but lately he just prefers to sleep on my chest or in his boppy as I hold him. I are probably thinking "bad idea" but it's hard for me not to have my baby close to me. Pretty soon he will have outgrown his Moses basket...I am predicting in 1-2 weeks! He seems to be growing and gaining weight. He is getting pretty long and his tummy isn't really that big...its more of his chubby cheeks, legs, and arms.
Landon seems to be advancing a lot faster than what most babies do. Landon is a talker he loves to make noises and I've already heard him's usually in his sleep, but is so cute. Yesterday he laughed so loud while I was holding him in the living room that Daniel heard him all the way in his office. He also will probably be crawling soon...after only a few days he started lifting his head up and the other day he started pumping his legs against my tummy. He's ready to try to move, but I am waiting until the umbilical cord falls off before I put him on his tummy time mat.
Daniel and I have taken to parenting so naturally. We have to take the bad with the good sometimes but we love being parents to our little boy. We are a team more than ever now since we've had him. I have had plenty of melt downs this week between having my sweet boy that I carried for nine months in NICU with a ton of monitors hooked up to him all over his body to the frustrations of breastfeeding (which has become better but am hoping wont hurt as much soon). It already makes me sad to think of Landon growing up. Daniel was watching Landon cuddle me yesterday and was like...he's momma's boy huh? I just assured him that he is daddy's boy too. I know that once he gets older he will be playing sports and playing out in the yard with Daniel and he will be loving me for my cooking.
So week one has come and gone and I know that with each passing week they will only start to go by faster.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Everyone is so proud of him!

For Daniel and I, it is absolutely crazy to think that Landon Daniel was born almost a week ago. I remember this time 1 week ago I was laying on the couch half asleep with the movie Anger Management on, just moaning with pain from my contractions. I let them go until about 1 am on Saturday the 7th until finally I told Daniel to please take me to the hospital. Luckily I was admitted and had him by 11 am...well 10:52 to be exact.
Everyone keeps saying, 'oh my gosh a 9 lb baby!' I just keep saying I really don't care, it was nothing to me. And literally pushing him out was nothing to me....thanks to getting the epidural. I was smart enough to get it just in time that it wore off just enough for me to only be able to feel my pushing but nothing else. I didn't need the extra dosage and now...about 1 week later I think it is finally worn off...or at least almost completely gone. I really wouldn't want Landon to have been smaller than that. It made me proud to see him so healthy and I would see other babies in the hospital and my hunky chunky was bigger than like every one I saw.
Today, Landon graduated! Daniel and I are now changing his diapers with size 1 huggies. His umbilical cord still hasnt fallen off so we are now making the cut outs ourselves since they don't sell size one with the umbilical cord cut out on the size 1 diapers. Landon never even wore one gerber onesie of his 0-3 months because they were really more like newborn sizes and he was way to big for them. Daniel and I have already made a plan to sell all of the stuff, on ebay, that he can't wear because he is too big. We can use the money we get to either buy him diapers or clothes that actually fit him. I guess it's hard to know what and how much to buy until the baby arrives but you have to be prepared.
Another thing that happened for Landon today was that his cousins Drew and Luke came over for a visit. Drew was so excited to meet him and was over at my mom's house the day before bragging about how he was going to get to meet his ONLY boy cousin on Friday! He came over and I had the hand sanitizer out so he sanitized his hands and then didnt want to give Landon up. He kept wanting to just hold him and cuddle him. He kept kissing him but I kept missing that for the photos. Luke also held him and flashed a big smile while doing so. They both did pretty well holding him and they just love him. Problem is I think Landon made my sister want another baby even more when she got to hold him in her arms. I guess sweet babies just do that kind of thing.
After they left Daniel and I gave him a bath and Landon actually seemed to like it! I think it was because I had the water nice and warm and it was probably like being in my tummy again. We later were able to go to my mom and dad's house for dinner and Daniel and I were able to take a nap while my mom held Landon and sang to him.
Daniel and I are so happy that this parenting thing has become so easy. I am finally starting to get more sleep! Landon is a super easy baby and makes us so happy and proud of him. We both feel blessed that God granted us our little miracle.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

My chunky hunky!

This is my little chunky hunky! I can not get enough of him. He is too cute. We are so in love with our son. We couldn't have asked for a better baby.
Amanda and Gracie came over today. We offered to take care of Gracie while Amanda went to the store to go grocery shopping for us. Now we know what it would be like to have twins...not so bad at all. We did great with taking care of Landon and Gracie. I should probably say Daniel did great cause I had Landon the whole time and he mainly just slept the whole time.
Daniel's little "mini me".
Another middle of the night precious picture. Daniel is so good at getting him to sleep.

The day started out great! In the early morning hours my milk finally came in. Everything came easy and followed after that. It was incredible how God worked things out after all of the frustration the day before. Today Landon had his first pediatric appt. It went really well and we found out that Landon now weighs almost 9 lbs and 4 ounces! We then went from there to go and get a new pump for me at the other Walmart and I waited in the car with Landon (sleeping) while Daniel ran in. (As you can see we are getting even better at team work than ever before)
After we got home and settled Amanda and Gracie came over. Amanda had offered to do my grocery shopping for me so we offered to take care of Gracie for her to make it easier for her to shop. Daniel and I realized that over the last few days we have become good at parenting. That is another thing that God created that just comes naturally. It is amazing to us!
While Amanda was gone Daniel fed Gracie her bottle and found different ways to keep her occupied. She had become a little fussy (which is understandable) I think because she was in a house she had never seen before and doesn't know us very well. Daniel quickly got her calmed down though and kept commenting on her pretty blue eyes. I couldn't help cracking up when Daniel came up with something to keep her occupied that I called "race car". Gracie had grabbed ahold of his thumb while he was holding her and all of the sudden Daniel started moving his thumb like she was shifting and making noises that sounded like a car as if she was learning how to drive a stick shift.
After Amanda and Gracie had left we spent the rest of the day as a family just taking care of each other. I say that, yet I probably should correct myself in that Daniel mostly just took care of my every need while I held and fed Landon. Once Becca got over to the house I was able to do some laundry and clean a lot of Landon's dirty/ and new clothes that needed to be washed. Around dinner time my mom once again brought us dinner. Families from the Christian school she works at have been helping out with buying us dinners since we got home from the hospital with Landon. It has been so sweet and generous. People that we have never met want to help us. That is not only a heart of gold but shows the image of the heart of God.
So all in all this day was another gift from God. I can not tell you how blessed I feel with everything that has happened. I really couldnt ask for a more content baby. He is so easy to take care of...and I feel that I must have done something right in my life for God to have blessed me so much.

On Wednesday...

On Wednesday night, Uncle David came over after work to see Landon. As you could see Landon stared at him with his ocean blue eyes.
Grandma helped Daniel give Landon a bath, since we knew that it would be a challenge and that he wouldn't like it. (I helped with his first one at the hospital and knew he hated to get wet)
We spend plenty of time awake taking care of him even if that means its 3 am. I think this was early Wednesday morning around 3 or so...but at this point I dont remember anymore.

Wednesday, Grandma Noland came over and helped take care of Landon again. She came over straight after work and was here til probably around 9 pm. In the mean time Uncle David and Aunt Becca came over to see their new nephew. The breastfeeding frustration continued which ended up leading to a melt down at the end of the day. Daniel and I kept supplementing him formula through out the day and the breast pump stopped working properly. I went out around 9 at night while Landon napped at home, to buy a new pump with great ratings, but realized the walmart I went to didn't carry it and I would have to wait til Thursday to go to one that carried it.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Thank you Grammy Mc!

He just loves sleeping in his soft and warm swaddler. We might have to think about buying another one in case this one gets dirty.
This was what Zoe did this morning. I dont know if she was blocking the entry way for her little brother or what?....but I can only hope that a motherly instinct is kicking in.
This was his cute outfit that he wore home from the hospital it is a newborn outfit and he is almost too big for it already....I especially like this picture not only because its cute but I think its one of the only pictures where he looks like me.
My mom came over to help hold him and keep Zoe away from him when we first brought him in.
I can't imagine my life without my little boy. He is one of the best and special things that has ever happened to me besides God, and my husband Daniel.

Though Landon's Grammy Mc lives in Colorado he has taken to something she has bought him. Not only has he taken to it but Daniel and I are so glad we have it. For Christmas Grammy bought him a swaddler. I hadn't asked for one because its probably not something that a first time mom really thinks too much about not knowing how things go.
Well last night was Landon's first night home. My mom met us at the house to help us and bring us dinner because she knew it would be hard once we got him home. We had to monitor our American bulldog Zoe because we didnt know if she would try to jump at him or what. So, what a night last night was. We kept a close eye on Zoe and Landon! We all slept out in the living room and I curled up next to the Moses basket, David and Amanda let us borrow, to make sure Landon was breathing and fine.
So, back to the swaddler.... At first we just had Landons Yankee blanket wrapped around him but it wasnt tight enough so he was starting to move his hands like an angel and it was bringing the blanket up to his face. THAT was freaky! So I tucked it around him again and he managed to do the same thing.... twice was enough for me! Daniel and I took him in his room and set him on his changing table and changed his diaper closed up his warm night sleeper and then swaddled him with his swaddler. It worked out so nicely and he is so comfortable in it. I realize he is like his momma, in that we both hate to be cold! If we have to change his diaper and it gets too cold for him he gets so upset and starts to cry. So though I am still running off of hardly any sleep we got through the night thanks to Grammy Mc for buying him that swaddler. I think that if we hadn't had that Landon wouldn't have slept as well...and that would have meant even less sleep for Daniel and I.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Pictures with my Daddy!

Look at my cute fluffy cheeks. Mommy was trying to get me to smile here.
My two men are both so beautiful! I am a proud mommy and wife!
Such a perfect little guy...
Everytime daddy holds me I fall asleep in his arms.

Daddy and I had a good time cuddling today. He came in and gave me a kiss this morning when he and mommy came to visit me in the hospital. The sun was showing brightly as you can see and I am hoping to come home this afternoon. The beeping noise in the hospital is something I have become used to but I can't wait to get home where it is fun and quiet. I have been here so long that my dried up umbilical cord is about to fall off. I just want to be with Mommy and Daddy so we can all cuddle and have movie nights together. Mommy can't wait to feed me because the nurses here at the hospital have almost fed me every time I need to eat, the whole time I have been here. I realize how much mommy and daddy love me and they just can't wait to take me home! Hope you enjoy my pictures as much as mommy and daddy do.... Love, Landon

Monday, March 9, 2009

Landon is impressive!

The nurse was commenting on how impressive it was that he was wearing so many monitors today.
As you can see (this was before I went home) I have had about 6 hours of sleep in the passed 3 days because I have been trying to nurse and feed Landon so I can have plenty of mommy time and visits with my angel.
I took this picture this morning right after he passed his hearing test with flying colors. He passed very quickly which is a great sign.
Hi Grandma...this is my first picture with you! My mom was feeding him and burping him tonight and Landon couldn't help but stare after we both sang to him.
He just loves his Daddy! They have instantly taken to each other and Daniel can get him to sleep in his arms every time...that is when he isnt playing "copy me" with him. Landon was copying Daniel by 1 day old. Daniel would stick his tongue out at him while smiling and then Landon would stick his tongue out at him as big as he could. This persisted for about 1 minute! Pretty impressive that he is already copying!