Tuesday, May 19, 2009


So, I had blogged and text a lot of people letting them know that Daniel had an interview for a newspaper in Colorado. The night before the interview Daniel and I talked a lot about what our needs would be "money-wise" and what would happen. I supported him and let him know that if this job met our needs then to take it. We prayed together and then went to sleep.
The next day Daniel woke up and got ready for the interview. He allowed himself 30 minutes to get there...but when he got in the car to leave IT WOULD'NT START! The battery to our car had died. Daniel still made it there but he was about 10 minutes late. I knew he was already stressing out so I just text him and told him not to worry and that if the company really wanted him then they would understand that he had car trouble and it wasnt his fault.
The interview went well and he called me afterwards. He didnt end up taking the job because it didnt meet our needs that we discussed the night before. So, unless a counter-offer is made we are currently staying in Arizona. So many people were praying for this decision and I was willing to pack up and move right away if it was the right thing for us, even though I KNEW it would be hardest on me. It would have been incredibly hard to move to a place where I would have no one to lean on and support me.
I am currently taking a break from blogging. Last night/yesterday was the worst of my entire life and I figure that I am just going to journal for a while instead of spilling my guts on the web. This has been a great place for me to share my life...but after everything that has happened I dont really want to do that right now.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Sorry sweetheart :(

Daniel and I checked today, on the competition that we entered Landon in. He was cuter than a ton of the babies in the competition but he ended up losing round 1 :(. We are disappointed but I guess he just didnt get enough votes. Thank you for any votes that you may have entered for him...I guess we have to think "better luck for him next time" WE KNOW THAT HE IS A CUTE BABY! He doesnt have to win a competition for us to know that!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

What a good baby!

We made the drive to Colorado on Friday morning and got here within about 7 hours. Landon was so good the whole way and only cried for less than 10 minutes! He slept probably half of the way and was mainly content the rest of the time. He probably crys more when we are home than he did on our drive.
Friday night we went to bed and made the mistake of leaving the windows opened and his hands exposed. He woke up to eat around 4 and my poor sweet baby's hands were as if someone put his hands in a freezer. I had him in a sleeper and his swaddler but I knew that I had to do something for his hands. So on Saturday, he went to the store for the first time. He seemed to like Walmart and stayed awake the whole time while in the store. I had to give him a bottle in the store which was kind of a challenge walking with a 15 pound baby in one arm and a bottle in the other. My arms just dont have the strength for 15 pounds yet.
So, over the last couple of days Landon experienced his biggest car ride/trip, went out state for the first time, had his first experience of diahria (dont know how to spell that), and his first night experience of being cold...poor baby. He seems to enjoy the scenery and has been sleeping better. Last night he slept from about 10:30 at night til almost 10 am this morning. Of course he kind of woke up to eat and be changed but went right back to sleep. It is nice to get more sleep.
Anyways, please be praying. Tomorrow is Daniel's interview and we know that if God wants us to be here he will make that completely evident with the interview results tomorrow. Thank you for checking on our family...we appreciate all of our friends and family and know that if we do end up moving we will be missing them all.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Big changes may be coming

Well, I never knew things would happen this fast. The past year has been absolutely life changing. I went from being engaged to being unengaged. Then getting engaged to my high school sweetheart and being pregnant, then getting married, then both of us losing our jobs, not having insurance, having our Landon, and NOW...possibly a move to Colorado while figuring things out with my Doctor so I dont end up with cancer.
Things arent certain but Daniel was offered an interview, with a newspaper that needs a Graphic Designer, in Colorado. If he gets this job we will quickly be putting our house and the market and moving. This should be really interesting and hard with our new baby, but I figure if it's God's will that we move then he will get this job.
Tomorrow we leave and he will be interviewing on Monday morning. Please be praying for us during this time. This is a hard and trying time for our family.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Last night....

So I decided last night (around 8pm) I was going to have a Pepsi. Now, Landon does not do caffine from soda. He is fine with chocolate, but when it comes to caffeinated soda..that's a big no no. I wanted to try out the formula before bed to see if that would fill his stomach up more anyway so I didnt breastfeed before he went to bed. Formula only seemed to extend him 30 minutes more, so I guess I might as well stick to breastfeeding. I have another reason for sticking only to breastfeeding and that is because Landon woke up around 3 am. I hadnt nursed or pumped since 8pm. right before my soda, so I think I have a pretty good idea of what breast implants feel like. He woke up and ate so much at 3 am that suddenly he threw up! This was not just like a little bit of spit up this was probably like all of the milk he had just drank. I had about 4 or 5 ounces of milk on my sleep pants and he had milk on his sleeper. The poor little guy. I had to get up change my pants, and change his outfit quickly. I dont know if it was because I hadnt nursed or pumped for so long that the milk was not setting with him well or if it was because he drank a ton too fast. Maybe it was both, but whatever it was after he was changed he was so happy and just kept looking up at me and smiling. I told him 'I know what you just did, you were getting rid of the old milk cause you only want fresh.' More smiles. That has to be one of the most rewarding things, to see your child's love in their eyes and smiles over doing practically nothing! Daniel and I love Landon so much, we could be having a bad day and we can just look at him and it's like everything is better.
Lately, I have had some major things to take care of. They are crucial and have to be done in a timely manner. I already had 3 fairly big things to take care of and yesterday I had 1 more added to my plate. I have to take care of these things for my family and for me and none of them can really be put off. But, I look at Landon and everything is fine. His smile could melt a heart of stone and I am so blessed that God chose me to be this little boy's mommy.
As of a couple of days ago Landon learned to start sitting up. It is so impressive. If he is in the mood to sit up and I take his hands in mine, suddenly I will see his head lifting off of the pillow he is laying on. He is getting really good at it and sometimes he can start sitting up on his own. That has been the latest for Landon besides his first big throw up last night (poor little boy :(....)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

No Sleep Mommy!

So Landon has probably the WORST baby schedule. It's basically that of a newborn and last night he did not want to go to sleep! Here is what happened and why it happened... Landon slept all day yesterday. That isnt really an understatement! He would wake up for only about 10-20 minutes and then fall back asleep all throughout the day. So around 4pm I decided to drink a Dr. Pepper. Soda's with caffine seem to keep Landon awake...little did I know he was going to be up for about 7 hours!!!! He woke up around 5pm and then didnt go to sleep until around 12. He fell in a good sleep then woke up around 12:45 right as Daniel and I were falling asleep. We both were like...ARE YOU SERIOUS?! We thought he would be out for a while and it was like right after we fell asleep he woke up crying really loud! So we both got up and then didnt get back to bed until around 1:30am. Landon only slept about 4 hours after that and then woke me up at about 5:30am, thus this fairly early blog.
I basically do some things in the morning until the swing rocks him back to sleep and then I can take a nap. So here I wait...he is kind of in and out of sleep and it looks like he is about to fall asleep, but right now he isnt completely shutting his eyes. I may have to do the caffine thing again later...just maybe around 12 or 1pm so that he isnt up until midnight.
Huggies.com took a poll around mother's day, they asked: What would you like most for mother's day? I answered uninterrupted sleep. If only...if only! Landon only sleeps about 3-4 hours straight sometimes not even that. He seems to be getting himself in a pretty good sleep....I gotta go...this is my chance. Sleep here I come!!!

Friday, May 8, 2009

My cousin Gracie

Landon gets to see his cousin Gracie sometimes and on Sunday he got to see her twice! That's right...he saw her at my parents house on Sunday afternoon and then he saw her again that night at church, which was Landon's first time at church and he seemed to like it until he decided he was hungry and I had to give him his bottle.
Landon likes Gracie but he didnt seem to like it when I laid him down on the floor with her. He was probably wondering what in the world was going on, but we had to get some cute pictures of them together and of Gracie's arm around him.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Landon's 2 months old!!!

My little baby is growing up fast. Amazing that it has been 2 months since I gave birth to him! The summer heat is approaching so I have to check his feet to see if he needs a blanket in the house or not. I noticed that a blanket helps for his "swing naps" but I still put a sleeper on him at night and the fan on low in his room because he seems to get a little hot laying on his soft fitted sheet. So...2 months means we had a Doctor visit. He got 5 shots!!! and 1 oral immunization (not a shot)...my poor little guy :(. I just kept my face right next to his on the Doctor bed while he got his shots so he wouldn't pay any attention to the needles going into his thighs. He never had any shots before so this was a new thing for him and he hated it. The shots would go in and then after about 1 second his face would turn red with pain and he started crying. Daniel and I felt so bad for him. Once he was done we got him in his carseat and almost as soon as we were out of the Doctor's office he stopped crying and soon was asleep. He is such a big boy. Here are his measurements:

LENGTH: 24 inches= 83%
WEIGHT: 14 lbs, 4 oz. = 95%
Head: 15 cms.

So, he is above average for his age, healthy, and is right where he needs to be for development. His heart was also checked again and NOTHING was wrong with it! Yay, Lander Man!!! I am so delighted with my little boy. I feel so blessed with how God has provided for us through everything. Thank you God for everything you do for us!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

My little Huggie!

I have been spending lots of time with Landon lately (well...I always do) and it is so incredible how much he is changing. In 1 day he will be 2 months old! He is getting so big and cuter by the day. I love taking pictures of him. Daniel and I love getting him to smile and make happy noises for us. Last night we gave him a bath and it went really well for the 3 of us. It is kind of a process for bathtime :P. What happens is I draw the water and get water in a separate bowl (for rinsing his hair) then after we get Landon in his baby bathtub I have to get in the bathtub behind him so I can hold his head up and steady for Daniel to get him soapy and bathed. We do it this way because of how the bathtub is made...otherwise I probably wouldnt have to sit behind his tub.
On another note, Daniel and I love it when Landon is just in his diaper. I dont leave him in just a diaper too often because I dont want his little body to get too cold, but sometimes he has been in just a diaper because he is just super cute like that. When my oldest sister and my brother were little my mom took pictures of them on a Huggies box and had her own photo shoot with them in their diapers so she could send them in to Huggies. Yesterday morning after Landon was fed and changed in his Huggie diaper I decided to do the same thing...since he was just so happy it was perfect! This is my little HUGGIE! I dont know if I'll send it into the company, but Daniel thinks Landon should be on the box and I had to share because my little HUGGIE is so cute!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Picture fun...

Landon playing....
He loves his stroller...
And he loves to eat.......................
Tummy time

I love D
I think he wanted to feed off the baseball....

Landon met his grammy last week